Sara Colvard helps repair the soffits on the cabin. Thanks to Mitch Teplitsky for the photo!
We love working on the farm with all y’all! There is something adventurous about pick-axing tough bamboo roots to create a new bed for blueberries. Something meditative about transplanting tomato starts. Something exhilarating about harvesting onions, garlic, and especially watermelon!
Because we are sometimes slow to update our website, we usually announce work days over our email list, so shoot me an email (commonhomefarm@gmail.com) if you’d like to find out when the next one is.
Upcoming work projects include repairing the front porch, building a front porch, felling dead trees and splitting wood. In July we’ll be harvesting garlic and would love to have you help. And there is always hauling manure and wood chips. Hope you are well and hope to see you soon!
We are actively looking for: people! money! (donations and no-interest loans) and things (a cheap truck) to support this project.